Inspirational Apps
See from Where we got Inspiration of this app?
1. DU Battery saver – Battery charger & Ram Cleaner
2. Kaspersky Battery Life: Saver & Booster
Du battery saver is the best cache cleaner which is the simplest and easiest way to keep your device working well when you need it. This app extends the battery life of your device by cleaning junk files, and give free space to your device.
Our designer has designed the features of this battery saver app in HD Graphics. Because of simple UI, this app gives the cool look to users. But if you want to redesign this app, then no need to worry, because we provide the best-designing facilities to our customers.
If you have some basic knowledge about programming and want to reskin, so you can easily reskin this battery saver app according to your choice without the help of any programmer.
You can get the complete project of this battery saver app from making it to launching. You just need one click to publish this app in the Google play store.
Core Features of Du Battery Saver App
- Save Energy
• Fast Charging
• Battery Level
• Battery Status
• Plugin Type
• Battery Health
• Battery Temperature:
• Voltage Level
• Battery Technology
✔ Easy user interface
✔ High-quality graphics
✔1 click features
✔ Easy to reskin
✔Neat and clean source code
✔Ads integration (admobe, facebook, audience network)
✔Unique app logo (2 best possible)
✔Promotional screenshots (8 best possible)
✔Feature banner (2 best possible)
✔ASO based (package name, title, short description & long description)
✔Assign 64-bit build (.aab file with Keystore)
✔Promotional video
✔Neat and clean source code
✔Easy to use
✔Well organized code
✔Android 10 required
If there is something that needed to be changed, Please let us know?
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