Inspirational Apps
See from Where we got Inspiration of this app?
1. µTorrent®- Torrent Downloader
2. BitTorrent®- Torrent Downloads
3. Flud – Torrent Downloader
Easy Torrent Movie Downloader is a tiny and fast torrent client which enables users to download movies and other files via torrent files with fast and smooth speed.
You will find well written and well organized code files in this asset. It is easy to understand the code files for any type of developer. If you are new in this field and only knows basic how know programming? Don’t worry because you can easy understand and make necessary changings in code without taking help of others.
This torrent files downloader is designed with cool graphics which give fresh look to user. There is no need to reskin this app because we have reskinned it with rich graphics. If you still want to reskin it with more features or change its design according to your own idea? Please order us your requirements on our Hire Us page.
You can instantly publish this app on play store without wasting anytime if you buy this ready to launch app, because there is no need to edit or reskin this app. Just get it, add your ad ids and publish it into your play store console account right now.
Cool graphics.
Easy user interface.
Easy to download files from torrent.
Tiny torrent client for Android.
Bugs free code.
Well tested.
Quick support.
Well written neat and clean code.
Required Android 4.1.
Get this ready to launch app with our fast support which guide you at each and every step of launching this app.
If there is something that needed to be changed, Please let us know?
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