Inspirational Apps
See from Where we got Inspiration of this app?
1. QR & Barcode Scanner
2. QR Code Reader
QR Scanner app is the fastest QR / bar code scanner. QR & Barcode Scanner is an essential QR reader for every Android gadget. This QR code scanner is extremely efficient and easy to use for all android users.
It is a QR code reader with versatile features: read and scan QR codes, barcodes, generate QR codes, generate simple barcodes quickly.
Our creative designer team has done a lot of creative work on this project. Icons, banners, and screenshots of this application have been ready with top quality graphics and layouts.
This app has been ready with neat and clean source code. You will get the complete asset of this project in a readymade form because this project is ready to launch.
If you have fewer coding techniques then don’t worry just buy this ready-made project from us at a reasonable price.
🟡Easily Scan QR code
🟡User-friendly interface
🟡Ads integration (Admob, Facebook, audience network)
🟡Unique app logo (2 best possible)
🟡Promotional screenshots (8 best possible)
🟡Feature banner (2 best possible)
🟡ASO based (package name, title, short description & long description)
🟡Assign 64-bit build (.aab file with Keystore)
🟡Promotional video
🟡Neat and clean source code
🟡Easy to use
🟡Well organized code
🟡Android 10 required
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Skype: live:79deca80c5bf431b
WhatsApp: +971 54 587 3126
Email: support@rangiistudio.com
If there is something that needed to be changed, Please let us know?
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