How Important of App and Game Icon for ASO App Search Optimization

You are launching your own app and don’t know the importance of the app icon! Let’s discuss in detail that how important app and game icon for ASO app search optimization.

When any user enters in Play Store or in any apps store, the first thing which impacts his mind is your app icon. There is a lot of importance of your app’s visual content which highly affects directly on users to download your app or game. So, must design such attractive and eye-catching icon which attracts users’ attention as their first look.

Types of Icons

There are several types of icons i.e. simple icons, colorful icons, complex icons, and more. It depends on your app or game that which type of icon will best represent your app or game. Different case studies of how important app and game icon for ASO app search optimization show that users mostly click on simple and icons of apps and professionally designed icons on games. But it is important to make icons with creativity to impress users and make them agree to click on them. Let’s understand it with the following examples:

After searching the video downloader app on the google play store, we have found the following apps with different icons:

Have you noticed that each icon is completely representing its app! There are two types of icons, some contain the letter “V” and some contain “Downloader Arrow” few of them have both V and Download Arrow in it. But all icons have designed with creativity and there is no confusion to understand the purpose of the app after seeing the icon.

One more example will clear the importance of the app icon according to ASO. What comes to your mind after watching any of the following icons?

Yes, you can easily understand the all icons are representing the car parking game. You can easily understand which icon is representing which type of car parking game i.e. Jeep, Prado, Classic, or other cars.

How Important of App and Game Icon for ASO App Search Optimization?

Now, let’s understand that how important app and game icon for ASO app search optimization? When you are making icons for your app/game, you need to be aware of the market steady growth of that app. If most video downloader apps have icons with V, then you have few choices to do. You can create a similar icon with creativity, or you can use a unique Downloader Arrow, or you can also use a combination of V with Downloader Arrow to make your icon more appealing.

After applying all textual ASO strategies i.e. your app title, package name, short and long description, if your app is appearing in relevant keywords’ searching on the play store! Now, it’s time for your app or game icon to show the magic, stuck users to no more scroll down and must click on it. It will only happen when your app/game icon complies with all trending designs of the icon which attracts user attention.

If your app icon is failed to make users agree to click on it! What will happen? After few days, if your app doesn’t get enough installs according to its view (appearing in the user’s search), the play store will rank down your app and it will disappear into thousands of similar apps. That’s is why never forget to take your app icon easy.

How to Choose the Best Icon for Your App/Game?

It is important to search the market to understand trending icons relevant to your app/game. But professionals strongly suggest using A/B Testing of your console to choose the best icon for your app.

Now, what is A/b testing? It is a process that enables you to check for the best between two versions of your app. This process enables you to understand the performance of your app icon and other things and give you a report of conversion rate, which helps you to choose the best icon to generate a high return in users’ search on plays tore.

There is no more need to understand that How Important of App and Game Icon for ASO App Search Optimization? There are lot of factors which work direct or indirect to rank your app and your app icon is one of the important part, which directly affects on the ranking of your app/game.

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