What is the Ads limit on Admob -And how to fix it?

What is the Ads limit on Admob?

Admob is a platform, where an android developer gets ads from Google, and it’s the largest global platform of Mobile ads network. An android developer can place unlimited ads on their mobile app, but google may sometimes place a limit on the number of ads your AdMob account can show. This may be a temporary ad serving limit to evaluate your traffic quality, or it might have “irrelevant traffic” concerns in your AdMob account.

While this ad serving limit ordinarily impacts publishers for 90 days or more, it might take longer in some cases. Ad serving for you is in effect incidentally restricted while we evaluate your traffic quality. We’ll automatically review and update this limit as we keep observing your traffic.

What is irrelevant traffic?

Irrelevant traffic includes any impressions or clicks that may misleadingly blow up an advertiser’s expenses or a publisher’s earnings. Irrelevant traffic covers both intentionally fake traffic as well as accidental clicks.

While your traffic quality group uses both automatic and manual strategies to filter out irrelevant clicks, we likewise need publishers to follow our policies to decrease the chance of Irrelevant activity.

How to fix it?

An overall rule of thumb is to always put your user’s experience first – ensure your ads don’t draw unnatural consideration, mislead app users, encourage clicks, or show up in places that may cause invalid clicks. An outsider may generate invalid traffic on your ads without your Insight or permission. However, ultimately it is your obligation as the publisher to guarantee that the traffic on your ads is valid. If Admob finds a lot of invalid activity in your apps, you might be in danger of account disablement.

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